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This page contains important details about the delivery request. Transport providers can use these details to place a bid or ask further questions about the delivery.

If a transport provider needs to ask the user a question about their delivery, it can be done via the messaging system. Any questions or responses will also be delivered to you by email.

Please note: It is strictly against our Terms & Conditions to post direct contact information on the site. Do not post phone numbers, email addresses, web site addresses or company names etc. Direct contact information is only exchanged once a user accepts a bid.

If you are a transport provider, once you are ready to place a bid on a delivery, you need to fill out the bid form by clicking on “Place bid”.When you are starting out on Spedingo, you have 0 feedback and no reputation or trust in the marketplace; we advise you to bid aggressively low on your first few deliveries until you achieve some feedback and trust.

If a transport provider is successful and the user accepts his/her bid, direct contact details will be exchanged so they can get in touch with each other directly and carry out the job. Payments terms and conditions are freely agreed between the user and the transport provider.

Traslochi internazionali Groningen - 09045 Quartu Sant'Elena CA

(accepted quote: € 2.350,00)

Quotes received

Accept the quote to get transport provider contacts
Quote #1773015
Received: 09/17/2024
Status: Accepted 09/18/2024
244 Awarded transports
100% Positive feedbacks
2.350 € VAT excl.

Quote #1773018
Received: 09/17/2024
Status: Active
1905 Awarded transports
97% Positive feedbacks
3.900 € VAT excl.

Quote #1772997
Received: 09/17/2024
Status: Active
1905 Awarded transports
97% Positive feedbacks
2.150 € VAT excl.

Quote #1772940
Received: 09/17/2024
Status: Active
144 Awarded transports
100% Positive feedbacks
4.300 € VAT excl.

Quote #1772984
Received: 09/17/2024
Status: Deleted
1905 Awarded transports
97% Positive feedbacks
3.900 € VAT excl.

Summary help

Category: Transport deliveries > Full house moves > Transport about International home removals
Collection: Groningen, GR, nl
Between 04/11/24 and 08/11/24
Floor Ground
Delivery: 09045 Quartu Sant'Elena, CA, it
Between 07/11/24 and 15/11/24
Floor Ground
Other information

Il trasporto deve avvenire in 2 fasi: da Groningen a Milano e da Milano a Groningen. A Milano si effettuera' il carico di parte (1/3) degli articoli. I Uno degli caricati articoli caricati a Milano e' una vespa 125cc, per caricarla sul furgone e' necessaria una rampa mobile.

Transport & Route (2011 km)

User: tolanuci2
Request ID: 2350891
Listed: 09/16/2024
Status: Completed
Received quotes: 5

Items to be transported

Il trasporto deve avvenire in 2 fasi: da Groningen a Milano e da Milano a Groningen. A Milano si effettuera' il carico di parte (1/3) degli articoli. I trasporti devono essere coordinati per fare il carico a Groningen, qualche giorno dopo si effettuera' il carico a Milano e qualche giorno dopo (anche il successivo) lo scarico a Cagliari.
Uno degli articoli a Milano e' una vespa 125cc, durante il carico/scarico e' necessaria almeno una rampa mobile per poterla spingere sul furgone. In tutti i luoghi di carico scarico e' possibile parcheggiare nel condominio o di fronte all'appartamento. Verra' fornito aiuto per il carico scarico.

4 elettrodomestici piccoli (40x28x28)
10 scatole fragili (bicchieri/piatti - 50x39x40)
8 scatole grandi di utensili da cucina (89x59x40)
20 scatole piccole (50x39x40)
3 scatole di plastica con ruote (80x42x32)
1 tavolo (120x74x80)
1 credenza (150x45x88)
5 tappeti arrotolati (max 140x30x30)
10 cuscini di diverse dimensioni (max 90x50x10)
20 quadri di diverse dimensioni (max
6 lampade (max 180x30x30)
4 mobili di piccoli dimensioni (max 40x30x30)
1 poltrona media (70x70x80)
1 poltrona da ufficio (66x50x110)
1 sedia di vimini (100x38x38)
1 TV (120x81x18)
10 pallet di legno (120x80x15)
1 comodino (60x42x56)
2 borse giardinaggio (100x20x20)
1 cassetta attrezzi e circa 5 utensili di dimensioni piccole (50x25x25)
1 pianta grande (75x75x190)
2 piante medie (70x70x90)
1 vespa 125cc
1 bicicletta


International home removals

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Page view: 105

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