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Con, transportar sus artículos favoritos nunca ha sido tan fácil. Te ponemos en contacto con transportistas profesionales en Italia y Europa.

Una alternativa rápida y eco-sostenible

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Puedes elegir entre las ofertas accesibles de más de 500 empresas de transporte.


Empresas de transporte profesionales, verificadas, previamente evaluadas por los usuarios.


Menos camiones que viajan vacíos significa menos contaminación.

Más de 665.000 personas ya han utilizado

happy planet earth

¿Por qué usando ayudo al medio ambiente?

Spedingo te pone en contacto con transportistas que todavía tienen espacio sobrante, así, tu ahorras hasta un 70% y nosotros cuidamos el planeta.

En nuestras carreteras 1 de cada 4 camiones viaja completamente vacío

Fuente: Comisión Europea

kg de co2 ahorrados

1 0 0 5 3 3 8 7

Innovación Amiga del medio Ambiente 2013.

decoration decoration

¿Qué dicen de nosotros?

Últimos artículos voluminosos enviados Ome

Solicitud de transporte
Rome, RM, it
Canzo, CO, it
Km 625
€ 150
Turin, TO, it
Rome, RM, it
Km 695
€ 175
Rome, RM, it
London, ENG, gb
Km 1869
€ 950
Rome, RM, it
Rivoli, TO, it
Km 701
€ 185
Rome, RM, it
27100 Pavia, PV, it
Km 566
€ 134
Rome, RM, it
Paris, fr
Km 1423
€ 350
Rome, RM, it
Madrid, M, es
Km 1945
€ 1700
Ostia (Rome) RM, Italia
Torino TO, Italia
Km 664
€ 280
Copenhagen, 84, dk
Rome, RM, it
Km 1991
€ 1300
Berlin, de
Rome, RM, it
Km 1566
€ 600
Genoa, GE, it
Rome, RM, it
Km 485
€ 74
33040 Premariacco, UD, it
Rome, RM, it
Km 650
€ 370
00176 Prenestino-Labicano, RM, it
Rome, RM, it
Km 7
€ 100
Rome, RM, it
Rome, RM, it
Km 0
€ 175
Rome, RM, it
Naples, NA, it
Km 230
€ 199
Napoli, Italy
Piazza Bologna, Rome, Province of Rome, Italy
Km 224
€ 95
Rome, Province of Rome, Italy
London, United Kingdom
Km 1898
€ 500
Via Francesco Selmi, Rome, Province of Rome, Italy
Via Portello, 89015 Palmi Reggio Calabria, Italy
Km 656
€ 600
Cisternino, Brindisi, Italy
Via Domenico Cucchiari, 00159 Rome, Italy
Km 495
€ 130
Piazza Dalmazia, Florence, Italy
Largo delle Sette Chiese, Rome, Italy
Km 285
€ 130
Via Sperone, 90100, Palermo, Italy
Via Cartagine, 00174 Rome, Italy
Km 910
€ 160
Via Lucio Sestio, Rome, Italy
Via Tagliamento, Avellino, Italy
Km 238
€ 90
Pedara Catania, Italy
Via della Marranella, 00176 Rome, Italy
Km 783
€ 160
Via Laurentina, 88, 00142 Rome, Italy
Via Vittoria Colonna, 48, Milan, Italy
Km 607
€ 115
Via Cesare da Sesto, 20123 Milan, Italy
Via Parenzo, Rome, Italy
Km 571
€ 150
Piazza Crati, Rome, Italy
Corso di Porta Romana, Milan, Italy
Km 254
€ 220
Via Filippo Marchetti, 19, Rome, Italy
101-107 Ratcliffe Road, Leicester, United Kingdom
Km 2045
€ 600
Viale della Pace, 164, 36100 Vicenza, Italy
Via Ninfa, 4, 00042 Anzio Rome, Italy
Km 603
€ 300
Piazza Albania, 00153 Rome, Italy
Via Luigi Pellizzo, 35128 Padua, Italy
Km 502
€ 100
Via Ciro Menotti, Milan, Italy
Via Val Savio, 00141 Rome, Italy
Km 572
€ 140
Via Antonio Scarpa, Rome, Italy
Via Picco dei Tre Signori, Rome, Italy
Km 5
€ 50
Via Lola Montez, 32, 00135 Rome, Italy
Via Esterna di Fontebranda, 53100 Siena Province of Siena, Italy
Km 237
€ 95
Rome, Italy
Milan, Italy
Km 579
€ 100
Milan, Italy
Via Rodolfo Lanciani, 67, 00162 Rome, Italy
Km 577
€ 200
Pescara, PE, Italy
Rome, Italy
Km 209
€ 105
Via Giulio Masini, 135, 50051 Castelfiorentino Florence, Italy
Via G. Casinovi, 8, Frascati, Rome, Italy
Km 312
€ 70
Via delle Mantellate, Roma, RM, Italia
Via Archimede, Milano, MI, Italia
Km 579
€ 130
Battistini, 00167 Rome, Italy
Via di Porta Labicana, 20, Roma, RM, Italia
Km 18
€ 69
Via Enrico Fermi, Rome, Italy
Via Ferrario, Crema, Cremona, Italy
Km 645
€ 90
Via di Passo Lombardo, Rome, Italy
Cosenza, Italy
Km 502
€ 165
Via dei Vestini, Rome, Italy
Via Luca Fancelli, 46100 Mantua, Italy
Km 471
€ 150
Via degli Artificieri, Rome, Italy
Isola Lipari, Italy
Km 787
€ 500
Via Giuseppe Avezzana, Rome, Italy
Via G. B. Niccolini, Milan, Italy
Km 361
€ 80
Via Brigata Sassari, Marostica, Vicenza, Italy
Via del Fosso della Castelluccia, Roma, Rome, Italy
Km 77
€ 130
Viale Giulio Agricola, Rome, Italy
Via Eleonora Duse, 40127 Bologna, Italy
Km 397
€ 80
Via Monte Altissimo, 00141 Rome, Italy
Via Gioacchino Rossini, 60010 Ripe Ancona, Italy
Km 342
€ 82
Viale Tito Livio, Rome, Italy
Boulevard Voltaire, 75011 Paris, France
Km 1429
€ 700
Via dell'Egadi, 00141 Rome, Italy
Via Eugenio Villoresi, 20143 Milan, Italy
Km 573
€ 250
Via Cristoforo Colombo, Rome, Italy
Novara Nord, Novara, Italy
Km 720
€ 190
71022 Ascoli Satriano FG, Italia
Rome, Italy
Km 345
€ 120
Rome, Italie
Milan, Italie
Km 577
€ 200
Monte Porzio Catone Rome, Italy
15012 Bistagno Alessandria, Italy
Km 602
€ 80
Via Monte Ceneri, Rho, Milan, Italy
Rome, Italy
Km 593
€ 80
Via dei Mille, 00060 Capena Rome, Italy
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Km 1637
€ 480
Milan, Italy
Fiumicino Rome, Italy
Km 608
€ 120
70010 Sammichele Bari, Italy
Pomezia, Rome, Italy
Km 1032
€ 135
Chiampo Vicenza, Italy
Via Policastro, Rome, Italy
Km 1319
€ 128
Via Genova, 10126 Turin, Italy
Via Egidio Albornoz, Rome, Italy
Km 703
€ 185
Via Milazzo, 20121 Milan, Italy
Via del Plebiscito, Rome, Italy
Km 578
€ 100
Corso Venezia, 14100 Asti, Italy
Via Giovanni Paolo Pannini, Rome, Italy
Km 642
€ 50
Via Generale Bencivenga, 00141 Rome, Italy
Via Paolo Lomazzo, 20154 Milan, Italy
Km 575
€ 95
Via della Minerva, Rome, Italy
Via della Croce, Rome, Italy
Km 3
€ 150
Formello, RM, Italia
Albi, France
Km 1230
€ 245
Rome, Italy
Griesheim, Germany
Km 1219
€ 300
London, UK
Rome, Italy
Km 1866
€ 300
Rome, Italy
41034 Finale Emilia MO, Italy
Km 418
€ 109
Rome, Italy
London, UK
Km 1868
€ 350
Rome, Italy
01038 Soriano Nel Cimino VT, Italy
Km 93
€ 120
London, UK
Rome, Italy
Km 1867
€ 250
Rome, Italy
London, UK
Km 1876
€ 200
Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
Bayreuth, Germany
Km 1152
€ 1200
00013 Fonte Nuova RM, Italia
25050 Ome BS, Italia
Km 570
€ 125
Rome, Italy
London, UK
Km 1874
€ 200
London, UK
Rome, Italy
Km 1863
€ 410
Nivelles, Belgium
Rome, Italy
Km 1472
€ 640
London, UK
Rome, Italy
Km 1880
€ 351
London, UK
Rome, Italy
Km 1863
€ 290
Rome, Italy
Brussels, Belgium
Km 1484
€ 270
Brussels, Belgium
Rome, Italy
Km 1483
€ 380
Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
Rome, Italy
Km 0
€ 180
Rome, Italy
London, UK
Km 1873
€ 1500
Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
31100 Treviso, Province of Treviso, Italy
Km 541
€ 400
Milan, Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy
Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
Km 573
€ 45
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
Km 1647
€ 390
Brussels, Belgium
Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
Km 1483
€ 250
35030 Rovolon PD, Italia
25050 Ome BS, Italia
Km 155
€ 200
Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
Km 1657
€ 300
02014 Cantalice RI, Italia
25050 Ome BS, Italia
Km 554
€ 300
Edinburgh, UK
Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
Km 2528
€ 2500
Milan, Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy
Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
Km 573
€ 134
Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
Bologna, Metropolitan City of Bologna, Italy
Km 375
€ 124
Manchester, UK
Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
Km 2214
€ 350
Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
Paris, France
Km 1423
€ 270
Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
2665 Vallensbæk Strand, Denmark
Km 1884
€ 500
London, UK
Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
Km 1880
€ 650
Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
København K, København, Denmark
Km 1902
€ 2450
Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
Ghent, Belgium
Km 1527
€ 291
Alessandria AL, Italia
Ostia (Rome) RM, Italia
Km 574
€ 170
Trento, Province of Trento, Italy
Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
Km 584
€ 170
Messina ME, Italia
Ostia (Rome) RM, Italia
Km 717
€ 210
25050 Ome BS, Italia
24019 Somendenna BG, Italia
Km 70
€ 200
Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
Milan, Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy
Km 571
€ 109
Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
21052 Busto Arsizio, VA, Italy
Km 613
€ 210
25050 Ome BS, Italia
25050 Ome BS, Italia
Km 0
€ 450
Milan, Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy
Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
Km 571
€ 105
Ostia (Rome) RM, Italia
Forlì FC, Italia
Km 375
€ 90
Cannes, 06, fr
Rome, it
Km 713
€ 400
Rome, it
Berlaar-Heikant, VAN, be
Km 1522
€ 1200
Liège, WLG, be
Rome, it
Km 1441
€ 150
Roma, it
Ome, BS, it
Km 573
€ 380
Ostia (Rome) RM, Italia
Verona VR, Italia
Km 540
€ 114
Milan, MI, it
Rome, it
Km 579
€ 257
Paris, fr
Rome, it
Km 1425
€ 280
Rome, it
Km 664
€ 300
Rome, it
Amsterdam, NH, nl
Km 1685
€ 650
Rome, it
Brussels-Capital, be
Km 1476
€ 650
Rome, it
21000 Split, 17, hr
Km 524
€ 1950
Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy
Km 1293
€ 341