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Quote #938739

Category: Transport about Household goods
Request: Trasporto di oggetti vari
Transport provider: Outletservice2019
Quote reception: 01/23/2019
Status: Completed request
Pick up availability: Between 01/28/2019 and 02/01/2019
Delivery availability: Between 02/02/2019 and 02/07/2019
Other information: Salve siamo una delle maggiori aziende d Roma abbiamo sede in Roma Cenro e deposito in Civitaveccha a poch passi dall'imbarco per barcellona della grimaldi per Barcvellona dove c andiamo a cadenza quindicinale. Da pochissimo inscriti su questo porale che permete al clene di risparmiare sosanzialmente perche il prezzo del servizo che le varie aziende v sotoposcono e' un'asta a rbasso. Le date di riiro sono abbasanza prossime, e' chiaro che per abbaere i cost no dobbiamo venre n spagna scurri di avere l'autocarro pieno, per queso le chediamo la prenotazione enro la giornaa d domani. Prenotare sgnifica versare al portare che ci ospita la piccola percentuale per 9l servizio offero che permette alle aziende inscritte ue certficate e conrollae da spedngo di vaggiare a pieno carico. Icoll da quello chesi evnce sarebbero preparatii a vostra cura, ulizzae b carton doppia onda senza superare l peso unitario d kg 25. l reso delle cose saranno da noi imballae con pluriboll cartonato. materiale specfico professionale. consideriamo massimo 40 colli ra valige coneniori e carton oltre alle cose elencate. Nel caso per l ritiro c fosse poi' empo l coso si abbasserebbe. Una volta versaa la quota a spedingo potremmo senirc telefonicamene se non fosse soddisfatta il rimborso della commissione sarebbe immediato. Cporodlmente Marco B responsable logistico rchiese spedngo.
1500 € (VAT exc.)

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How is the delivery paid?

When booking the delivery you are requested to pay a small deposit in advance, while the remaining balance will be paid directly to the transport provider either before collection or after the delivery of your goods (depending on what you agreed with the transport provider).

What is the deposit payment?

It is a payment of a few euros through which you show your interest in making the shipment. In this way the carrier is encouraged to reserve space for your goods on his truck.

How does the deposit payment work?

The deposit is paid on Spedingo safely and securely thanks to the payment platforms Stripe, Satispay and PayPal. This way you will be sure that your credit card details will not be revealed in any way to the carrier or our staff..

I have booked the delivery and paid the deposit but the transport provider canceled the service, what happens?

Your deposit will be refunded in full and, if you wish, Spedingo will help you to identify an alternative delivery service.

Is the booking of the delivery binding?

No. If you wish to cancel the delivery you just have to notify the transport provider and you will be not required to pay any remaining balance.

How much is the tax on transportation?

The total amount may be subject to VAT depending on the carrier's residence, the customer's residence and their tax regimes. In the case of transports carried out in Italy, by Italian transport companies subject to the VAT regime, to Italian customers, the ordinary VAT rate is equal to 22%.

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