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This page contains important details about the delivery request. Transport providers can use these details to place a bid or ask further questions about the delivery.

If a transport provider needs to ask the user a question about their delivery, it can be done via the messaging system. Any questions or responses will also be delivered to you by email.

Please note: It is strictly against our Terms & Conditions to post direct contact information on the site. Do not post phone numbers, email addresses, web site addresses or company names etc. Direct contact information is only exchanged once a user accepts a bid.

If you are a transport provider, once you are ready to place a bid on a delivery, you need to fill out the bid form by clicking on “Place bid”.When you are starting out on Spedingo, you have 0 feedback and no reputation or trust in the marketplace; we advise you to bid aggressively low on your first few deliveries until you achieve some feedback and trust.

If a transport provider is successful and the user accepts his/her bid, direct contact details will be exchanged so they can get in touch with each other directly and carry out the job. Payments terms and conditions are freely agreed between the user and the transport provider.

Bruxelles (Belgio) - Milano

(accepted quote: € 5.000,00)

Quotes received

Accept the quote to get transport provider contacts
Quote #841601
Received: 06/07/2018   |   Expiration: 06/30/2018 20:00
Status: Accepted 06/08/2018
23 Awarded transports
100% Positive feedbacks
5.000 € VAT excl.

Quote #840311
Received: 06/05/2018
Status: Active
52 Awarded transports
100% Positive feedbacks
6.500 € VAT excl.

Quote #840207
Received: 06/04/2018
Status: Active
236 Awarded transports
97% Positive feedbacks
6.300 € VAT excl.

Quote #840186
Received: 06/04/2018
Status: Active
173 Awarded transports
88% Positive feedbacks
5.000 € VAT excl.

Quote #840173
Received: 06/04/2018
Status: Active
609 Awarded transports
99% Positive feedbacks
6.000 € VAT excl.

Quote #840533
Received: 06/05/2018
Status: Deleted
10322 Awarded transports
95% Positive feedbacks
5.250 € VAT excl.

Summary help

Category: Transport deliveries > Full house moves > Transport about International home removals
Collection: Brussels Agglomeration, Belgio
Between 18/08/18 and 21/08/18
Floor Third with elevator
Delivery: Milano MI, Italia
After 28/08/18
Floor Third with elevator
Other information


Transport & Route (901 km)

Click to load the map

Request ID: 1179559
Listed: 06/04/2018
Status: Completed
Received quotes: 6

Items to be transported

Vedi foglio allegato (dettagli del traslocco)

1 Pianoforte verticale Schimmer (anni ’70 – ’80) + sedile
1 Tavolino colazione (120 x 80 cm)
1 Vetrina stile Impero (x bottiglie e bicchieri L105 x H140 x P 40 cm)
1 Tavolino rotondo, stile Impero (Ø 70 cm)
1 Mobiletto entrata al 3 piano (chiffonier L100 x H150 x P 40 cm)
1 Tavolino quadrato (sala pranzo 70 x 70)
1 Tavolino a 2 piani Liberty (40x60 cm)
2 Sgabelli salotto
1 Inginocchiatoio
1 Tavolo su cavalletto atelier Francesca (120 x 80)
1 Sgabello lungo fatto da Carol, atelier Francesca ( 38 x 87)
2 TV (salotto e camera letto) a 2 ante c

2 Mobiletti camera grande (ognuno L120 x H185 x P 50 cm)
2 Comodini ferro-vetro (L43 x H60 x P 45 cm)
1 Tavolino a due cassetti (L102 x H 70 x P 60 cm ) con sedia
1 Poltrona (camera F.)
2 Sedie Thonet
1 Letto doppio francese (camera L.)
2 Comodini (camera L.)
1 Poltroncina (camera L.)
4 Materassi 1 piazza
1 Sedia poltrona Thonet (da riparare)
1 Sedia Thonet
1 Mobiletto a 3 cassettini x colori Francesca
1 Cavalletto x pittura
1 Mobiletto a due ante (con quadri Francesca - L105 x H145 x P 60 cm)
1 Cassetta di legno (L70 x H 40 x P 40 cm)

20 colli (di 1 o 2 quadri)
1 Scatolone quadri F.
15 Tele pittura F.

1 Torcera di peltro (ex Giorgio)
2 Piccoli candelieri (sala pranzo)
3 Piccole lampade salotto
2 Piccoli candelieri (camera nostra)
1 Lampada moderna soffitto (camera nostra)
1 Piccola lampada soffitto (camera F.)
2 Lampade soffitto (camera L.)
3 Piccole lampade par comodino (Luisa)
TAPPETI (arrotolati)
6 Medio-grandi (meno 2 x Filippo)
4 Piccoli

90 CARTONI (dimensione media : L 56 x H40 x P 34 cm)
(Libri, stoviglie, arnesi, coperte, biancheria, etc.)

VESTITI – SCARPE – effetti personali


Ritiro tra18/08/2018 e 21/08/2018 a Bruxelles, Belgio Piano secondo e terzo con ascensore
Consegna dopo 27/08/2018 a Milano 2 piccoli lotti (in appartamenti stessa zona – terzo piano), 1 piccolo lotto altro appartamento stessa zona e 1 grosso lotto a Saronno in garage piano terra, accessibile da piccolo camion.
L’imballaggio già fato all’80%, quindi va previsto un poco di imballaggio e protezione mobilio e lo smontaggio dello stesso da parte del trasportatore (se quest’ultimo lo ritiene utile). Permesso di parcheggio a Brux. procurato da committente.
Montacarichi utile a Bruxelles


International home removals
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The Commission shall only apply in case of award of transport:

1) While accepting your quote the customer will pay a deposit through the site of an amount equivalent to the Commission.
2) Spedingo will collect on your behalf such deposit.
3) Cash out directly by the customer the remaining balance, ie the difference between the amount of the estimate and the deposit retained by us.

For more information please visit the Terms and Conditions or contact Spedingo’s staff.