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This page contains important details about the delivery request. Transport providers can use these details to place a bid or ask further questions about the delivery.

If a transport provider needs to ask the user a question about their delivery, it can be done via the messaging system. Any questions or responses will also be delivered to you by email.

Please note: It is strictly against our Terms & Conditions to post direct contact information on the site. Do not post phone numbers, email addresses, web site addresses or company names etc. Direct contact information is only exchanged once a user accepts a bid.

If you are a transport provider, once you are ready to place a bid on a delivery, you need to fill out the bid form by clicking on “Place bid”.When you are starting out on Spedingo, you have 0 feedback and no reputation or trust in the marketplace; we advise you to bid aggressively low on your first few deliveries until you achieve some feedback and trust.

If a transport provider is successful and the user accepts his/her bid, direct contact details will be exchanged so they can get in touch with each other directly and carry out the job. Payments terms and conditions are freely agreed between the user and the transport provider.

Montecchio Vallefoglia (pu) - Nardò (le)

(accepted quote: € 830,00)

Quotes received

Accept the quote to get transport provider contacts
Quote #751325
Received: 12/08/2017
Status: Accepted 12/12/2017
517 Awarded transports
99% Positive feedbacks
830 € VAT excl.

Quote #751163
Received: 12/08/2017
Status: Active
25 Awarded transports
100% Positive feedbacks
850 € VAT excl.

Quote #750937
Received: 12/08/2017
Status: Deleted
10113 Awarded transports
95% Positive feedbacks
1.900 € VAT excl.

Quote #750840
Received: 12/07/2017   |   Expiration: 12/07/2017 19:30
Status: Expired
1478 Awarded transports
90% Positive feedbacks
1.000 € VAT excl.

Summary help

Category: Transport deliveries > Full house moves > Transport about Domestic home removals
Collection: 61020 Vallefoglia PU, Italia
Between 14/12/17 and 15/01/18
Floor Third with elevator
Delivery: Nardò LE, Italia
Before 16/01/18
Floor Ground
Other information

necessità di imballaggio dei mobili che nella lista non risulatano imballati( ripiani libreria, fianchi libreria, mobile tv, settimino...)

Transport & Route (711 km)

Click to load the map

User: desamuni
Request ID: 1077518
Listed: 12/07/2017
Status: Completed
Received quotes: 4

Items to be transported

Scooter kimco xciting300 ingombro 250x80
mountain bike
Mobile x tastiera imballato156x40x21
Tastiera imballata 148x41x29
Scrivania ikea imballata 147x41x10
Tavolo imballato 120x75x16
Tv imballata 70x85x16
N. 2 Fianchi libreria 200x38x6 smontati
N.4 Ripiani in cristallo libreria smontati
N.5 sedie
Mobile porta tv 135x52x74
Settimino 46x76x122
N.2 Comodini
Letto matrimoniale 200x160 senza materassi smontabile in rete, testiera e fasce laterali
N.1 materasso singolo
N.2 Comodino 30x37x54
N.1 Panca 48x90x45
N.1 pc fisso con video lcd 17" imballato
Abbigliamento vario e corredo per 1 persona
Scatoloni vari di libri, riviste, stoviglie

Avendo conservato alcuni imballi, diversi mobili saranno già smontati e imballati pronti per ilil carico, di questo ho precisato già nella lista.

Non ho ancora finito di imballare i cartoni ma credo che saranno una decina in media di 40x40x40 cm


Domestic home removals

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Page view: 39

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