This page contains important details about the delivery request. Transport providers can use these details to place a bid or ask further questions about the delivery.
If a transport provider needs to ask the user a question about their delivery, it can be done via the messaging system. Any questions or responses will also be delivered to you by email.
Please note: It is strictly against our Terms & Conditions to post direct contact information on the site. Do not post phone numbers, email addresses, web site addresses or company names etc. Direct contact information is only exchanged once a user accepts a bid.
If you are a transport provider, once you are ready to place a bid on a delivery, you need to fill out the bid form by clicking on “Place bid”.When you are starting out on Spedingo, you have 0 feedback and no reputation or trust in the marketplace; we advise you to bid aggressively low on your first few deliveries until you achieve some feedback and trust.
If a transport provider is successful and the user accepts his/her bid, direct contact details will be exchanged so they can get in touch with each other directly and carry out the job. Payments terms and conditions are freely agreed between the user and the transport provider.
Salve, gli oggetti sono quelli che vedete in foto. Smontati come da descrizione colli, tranne la cassettiera che e' un pezzo unico. Il ritiro avverra' presso la mia abitazione in Londra SW6 2RD al pian terreno. Concordato un orario posso provvedere a qualche persona per aiuto. La consegna avverrà presso Cereda Ezio in Aicurzio 20886 MB provvisto di muretto, personale e spazio per scarico
Description: | cassettiera |
Packaging: | Wrapped in foil/bubble wrap |
Number of items: | 1 |
Length: | 120 cm |
Width: | 50 cm |
Height: | 100 cm |
Weight: | 80 Kg |
Description: | struttura lampada in ferro non delicata |
Packaging: | Unpackaged |
Number of items: | 1 |
Length: | 30 cm |
Width: | 30 cm |
Height: | 120 cm |
Weight: | 25 Kg |
Description: | struttura lampada delicata |
Packaging: | Wrapped in foil/bubble wrap |
Number of items: | 1 |
Length: | 30 cm |
Width: | 30 cm |
Height: | 100 cm |
Weight: | 25 Kg |
Description: | cono acciaio inox |
Packaging: | Wrapped in foil/bubble wrap |
Number of items: | 2 |
Length: | 50 cm |
Width: | 50 cm |
Height: | 50 cm |
Weight: | 9 Kg |
Description: | box in mdf |
Packaging: | Wrapped in foil/bubble wrap |
Number of items: | 2 |
Length: | 70 cm |
Width: | 10 cm |
Height: | 120 cm |
Weight: | 15 Kg |
Description: | lastre in marmo alleggerito |
Packaging: | Wrapped in foil/bubble wrap |
Number of items: | 1 |
Length: | 30 cm |
Width: | 10 cm |
Height: | 120 cm |
Weight: | 25 Kg |
Description: | base tavolo marmo |
Packaging: | Wrapped in foil/bubble wrap |
Number of items: | 2 |
Length: | 50 cm |
Width: | 50 cm |
Height: | 5 cm |
Weight: | 17 Kg |
Description: | 2 sfere inoz vuote, 2 tubolari inox, 4 piastrine alluminio e utensili |
Packaging: | Cartons / Boxes |
Number of items: | 1 |
Length: | 70 cm |
Width: | 70 cm |
Height: | 70 cm |
Weight: | 30 Kg |
Description: | 1 lastra acrilico |
Packaging: | Cartons / Boxes |
Number of items: | 1 |
Length: | 120 cm |
Width: | 120 cm |
Height: | 3 cm |
Weight: | 5 Kg |
Description: | profili a U in acciaio inox |
Packaging: | Wrapped in foil/bubble wrap |
Number of items: | 6 |
Length: | 120 cm |
Width: | 10 cm |
Height: | 8 cm |
Weight: | 5 Kg |
To submit a quote for this request you need to be logged
as a transport provider. Register for free!
You have to login to see the transport provider details.
The Commission shall only apply in case of award of transport:
1) While accepting your quote the customer will pay a deposit through the site of an amount equivalent to the Commission.
2) Spedingo will collect on your behalf such deposit.
3) Cash out directly by the customer the remaining balance, ie the difference between the amount of the estimate and the deposit retained by us.
For more information please visit the Terms and Conditions or contact Spedingo’s staff.