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International Transport La Spezia SP - Amsterdam _ EN

(preventivo accettato: € 3.600,00)

Preventivi di trasporto ricevuti

Preventivo #1604094
Ricevuto: 28/10/2022
Stato: Accettato 28/10/2022
2020 Trasporti aggiudicati
98% Recensioni positive
3.600 € IVA escl.

Preventivo #1604089
Ricevuto: 28/10/2022
Stato: Cancellato
2020 Trasporti aggiudicati
98% Recensioni positive
3.800 € IVA escl.

Riepilogo Aiuto

Categoria: Trasporti > Traslochi completi > Trasporti per Traslochi internazionali
Ritiro: La Spezia, SP, it
Dopo il 06/11/22
Piano Terra
Consegna: Amsterdam, NH, nl
Tra il 11/11/22 e 13/11/22
Piano Terra
Ulteriori informazioni

OPTIONAL Delivery to the 3rd floor with a team of movers (specify how many persons) using an external lift which can load at least 300/400kg

Trasporto e Rotta (1321 km)

Clicca per caricare la mappa

Utente: zemegucu
Rif. richiesta: 2086085
Inserita: 28/10/2022
Stato: Completata
Preventivi ricevuti: 2

Articoli da trasportare

Good morning,

I need to transport furnitures and appliances from La Spezia (Italy) to Amsterdam (The Netherlands).
Total volume of the goods is approximately 18.13 m3. Total weight about 2611 kg.

I point out that:
_ Some pieces of furniture are about 2.50 in height and should possibly be transported vertically, so I need a truck that can accommodate that.
_The BLOCCO CUCINA is a kitchen island placed on a pallet. Its weight is around 550kg (including a reinforced pallet) and it should be placed in the truck from the side opening (as the fork can only lift it from the long side). I attach a picture of the kitchen island for reference.
_ All the goods will be loaded on the truck by the people that work in the warehouse. So I only need the driver to deliver. Once in Amsterdam I will have a team of movers that will unload the goods.
_ I have flexibility for the pickup (After 6th November). Ideal delivery date is between 11th and 13th November (with a preference on 11th November). But I can be flexible in that. Please reach out with alternative options.
_ In front of the delivery address there are parking spaces for the truck.
_I need the truck to have an insurance on the value of the goods.

I attach to this also a detailed list of items with volumes and weights.

_If you have a team in Amsterdam that can organise the unload of the goods from the truck and deliver to the 3rd floor with a lift from the window, feel free to let me know and share a separate quote. (I specify that the lift should be able to load at least 300/400kg, and that everything will pass from the window, as I have already verified all the dimensions)

Should you have any further question feel free to get in touch.
I am looking forward to receiving your quote!

Thank you.

Kind regards,


Transport La Spezia - Amsterdam

1. Blocco cucina (Is seating on a pallet. It should be loaded on the van from the side opening of the van)
Number of packages: 1
Dimension package: 250 x 100 x 100cm
Volume: 2.6 m3
Approximate weight: 550kg

2. Moduli cucina A (All packages to be placed vertically 2.5m)
Number of packages: 5
Dimension package: 250 x 60 x 60cm
Volume: 0,9 m3/ package = 4.5 m3
Approximate weight: 70kg/ package = 350kg

3. Moduli cucina B
Number of packages: 3
Dimension package: 45 x 60 x 60cm
Volume: 0,16 m3/ package = 0.48m3
Approximate weight: 20kg/ package = 60kg

4. Moduli cucina C (Fianchi Curvi)
Number of packages: 2
Dimension package: 14 x 60 x 120cm
Volume: 0,10 m3/ package = 0.2m3
Approximate weight: 15kg/ package = 30kg

5. Ante cucina A
Number of packages: 7
Dimension package: 65 x 3 x 260cm
Volume: 0,05 m3/ package = 0.35m3
Approximate weight: 30kg/ package = 210kg

6. Ante cucina B
Number of packages: 3
Dimension package: 60 x 3 x 50cm
Volume: 0,009 m3/ package = 0.027m3
Approximate weight: / package = 21kg

7. Ante cucina C
Number of packages: 3
Dimension package: 60 x 3 x 100cm
Volume: 0,018 m3/ package = 0.054m3
Approximate weight: 7kg/ package = 21kg

8. Mobile Scala A
Number of packages: 1
Dimension package: 80 x 25 x 240cm
Volume: 0.48 m3
Approximate weight: 60kg

9. Mobile Scala B
Number of packages: 1
Dimension package: 105 x 30 x 260cm
Volume: 0.82 m3
Approximate weight: 70kg

10. Mobile Scala C
Number of packages: 1
Dimension package: 105 x 25 x 105cm
Volume: 0.27 m3
Approximate weight: 40kg

11. Mobile camera A
Number of packages: 2
Dimension package: 90 x 60 x 230cm
Volume: 1,24 m3/ package = 2.48m3
Approximate weight: 80kg/ package = 160kg

12. Mobile camera B
Number of packages: 2
Dimension package: 45 x 60 x 230cm
Volume: 0.62 m3/ package = 1.24m3
Approximate weight: 65kg/ package = 130kg

13. Mobile camera C
Number of packages: 1
Dimension package: 45 x 60 x 150cm
Volume: 0.4 m3
Approximate weight: 45kg

14. Mobile camera D
Number of packages: 7
Dimension package: 45 x 2 x 230cm
Volume: 0.02 m3/ package = 0.14m3
Approximate weight: 11kg/ package = 77kg

15. Mobile camera E
Number of packages: 3
Dimension package: 90 x 2 x 230cm
Volume: 0.04 m3/ package = 0.12m3
Approximate weight: 22kg/ package = 66kg

16. Mobile camera F
Number of packages: 1
Dimension package: 60 x 2 x 230cm
Volume: 0.03 m3
Approximate weight: 15kg

17. Mobile camera G
Number of packages: 8
Dimension package: 90 x 30 x 5cm
Volume: 0.01 m3/ package = 0.08m3
Approximate weight: 3kg/ package = 24kg

18. Mobile camera H
Number of packages: 1
Dimension package: 43 x 30 x 5cm
Volume: 0.006 m3
Approximate weight: 1.5kg

19. Pannello A
Number of packages: 1
Dimension package: 110 x 3 x 210cm
Volume: 0.07 m3
Approximate weight: 45kg

20. Pannello B
Number of packages: 1
Dimension package: 90 x 3 x 210cm
Volume: 0.05 m3
Approximate weight: 40kg

21. Scrivania 1
Number of packages: 1
Dimension package: 280 x 55 x 20cm
Volume: 0.30 m3
Approximate weight: 70kg

22. Scrivania 2
Number of packages: 1
Dimension package: 130 x 55 x 20cm
Volume: 0.14 m3
Approximate weight: 20kg

23. Mobile bagno
Number of packages: 1
Dimension package: 50 x 50 x 100cm
Volume: 0,25 m3
Approximate weight: 40kg

24. Lavastoviglie
Number of packages: 1
Dimension package: 60 x 60 x 90cm
Volume: 0,32 m3
Approximate weight: 12kg

25. Frigorifero
Number of packages: 1
Dimension package: 60 x 60 x 180cm
Volume: 0,65 m3
Approximate weight: 70kg

26. WC
Number of packages: 1
Dimension package: 50 x 35 x 35cm
Volume: 0,3 m3
Approximate weight: 15kg

27. Divano
Number of packages: 1
Dimension package: 170 x 90 x 70cm
Volume: 1 m3
Approximate weight: 30kg

28. Finestre 1
Number of packages: 1
Dimension package: 180 x 70 x 20 cm
Volume: 0,32 m3
Approximate weight: 60kg

29. Finestre 2
Number of packages: 1
Dimension package: 115 x 50 x 20 cm
Volume: 0,12 m3
Approximate weight: 30kg

30. Vetro
Number of packages: 1
Dimension package: 200 x 50 x 5 cm
Volume: 0,05 m3
Approximate weight: 60kg

31. Attrezzi
Number of packages: 4
Dimension package: 60 x 35 x 35 cm
Volume: 0,07 m3 = 0.28m3
Approximate weight: 50kg/package = 200kg

TOTALE PESO: 2611 kg


International Transport La Spezia SP - Amsterdam _ EN

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