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we transport?

What do
we transport?

With transporting your favorite items has never been easier. We put you in contact with professional transporters in Italy and Europe.

A fast and sustainable alternative

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Verified professional transportation companies, reviewed by feedback.


Fewer trucks traveling empty means less pollution.

More than 665.000 people have already used

happy planet earth

Why do I help the environment by using

Spedingo allows you to receive free quotes from transport providers with empty space on their vehicles, thus making them earning extra money and letting you save up to 70% and we take care of the earth.

On our roads 1 truck out of 4 runs completely empty

Source: European Commission

kg of co2 saved

9 7 0 9 4 9 1

Environmentally friendly innovation

decoration decoration

What they say about us?

Cars & Light trucks - Last deliveries

Delivery request
50019 Sesto Fiorentino FI, Italia
00166 Comune di Roma RM, Italia
Km 313
€ 233
Milano, MI, it
Francoforte sul Meno, HE, de
Km 666
€ 580
24047 Treviglio, BG, it
08970 Sant Joan Despí, B, es
Km 1037
€ 700
Limbiate, MB, it
Capiago Intimiano, CO, it
Km 36
€ 110
Giugliano in Campania, NA, it
42124 Reggio Emilia, RE, it
Km 632
€ 220
Portogruaro, VE, it
città metropolitana di Milano, it
Km 327
€ 350
80046 San Giorgio a Cremano, NA, it
43022 Montechiarugolo, PR, it
Km 652
€ 585
20010 Mesero MI, Italia
Alessandria AL, Italia
Km 106
€ 200
38123 Trento, TN, it
21022 Azzate, VA, it
Km 267
€ 409
Lugo, RA, it
Firenze, FI, it
Km 180
€ 350
00148 Portuense, RM, it
Pisa, PI, it
Km 336
€ 280
10050 Villar Focchiardo, TO, it
00043 Ciampino, RM, it
Km 743
€ 1000
Amburgo, Germania
25047 Darfo Boario Terme BS, Italia
Km 1108
€ 1080
Novara, NO, it
81025 Marcianise, CE, it
Km 798
€ 930
80127 Vomero, NA, it
Seregno, MB, it
Km 797
€ 245
80078 Pozzuoli, NA, it
10095 Grugliasco, TO, it
Km 910
€ 245
81100 Caserta CE, Italia
Bergamo BG, Italia
Km 775
€ 246
Amaseno, FR, it
Albizzate, VA, it
Km 704
€ 280
10137 Santa Rita, TO, it
Fiume, 08, hr
Km 651
€ 532
26100 Cremona, CR, it
00187 Trevi, RM, it
Km 515
€ 368
Gießen, HE, de
25032 Chiari, BS, it
Km 787
€ 890
20015 Parabiago, MI, it
10050 Villar Focchiardo, TO, it
Km 166
€ 270
20147 Bande Nere, MI, it
Roma, RM, it
Km 587
€ 500
provincia di Verona, it
Regione di Bruxelles-Capitale, be
Km 1045
€ 950
54033 Carrara, MS, it
81032 Carinaro, CE, it
Km 593
€ 373